About EOX::Maps for ESA

EOX::Maps for ESA are background and overlay maps provided by EOX for usage by ESA

This Maps Service has been available since 20140527 and will be discontinued from 20250314. If you like to continue to use the Maps please check the other Maps Services provided by EOX at https://maps.eox.at which are free for non-commercial usage or contact EOX directly at stephan.meissl@eox.at.

EOX::Maps Usage

Don't forget that proper attribution is required for any usage. Please use the attribution as given above including the respective links e.g. Terrain { Data © OpenStreetMap contributors and others, Rendering © EOX }

You are interested in a custom map? You need a map in your custom projection? You need an offline map for your intranet? Just get in touch with us , we gladly offer our professional support.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

EOX guarantees include the following.

Operations is contracted until March 13th 2025.


The following datasets are used to generate EOX::Maps. Note that most of these datasets are Open Data. The layers for which the dataset is used are indicated in brackets.

The rendering is © EOX [Terrain Light, Terrain, Sentinel-2 cloudless, OpenStreetMap, Overlay, Bright overlay, Coastline, Hydrography, Streets] and MapServer [OpenStreetMap, Overlay, Bright overlay].



Do you have any questions? Do you need more information? Feel free to contact us anytime.

EOX IT Services GmbH
Thurngasse 8/4
1090 Wien
Stephan Meißl
+43 664 9688701