About EOX::Maps for ESA
EOX::Maps for ESA are background and overlay maps provided by EOX for usage by ESA
This Maps Service has been available since 20140527 and will be discontinued from 20250314. If you like to continue to use the Maps please check the other Maps Services provided by EOX at https://maps.eox.at which are free for non-commercial usage or contact EOX directly at stephan.meissl@eox.at.
EOX::Maps Usage
Don't forget that proper attribution is required for any usage. Please use the attribution as given above including the respective links e.g. Terrain { Data © OpenStreetMap contributors and others, Rendering © EOX }
You are interested in a custom map? You need a map in your custom projection? You need an offline map for your intranet? Just get in touch with us , we gladly offer our professional support.
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
EOX guarantees include the following.
- General warranty for the period of operations
- Temporal service availability more than 98%
- 24/7 monitoring of the service with a response time of maximum 1 hour during office hours
- A capacity guaranteeing at least 8000 served WMTS or WMS requests of 256x256 pixels per minute
- A capacity guaranteeing at least 400 served WMS requests per minute with a maximum of 1024x1024 pixels
- A capacity guaranteeing at least 80 served WCS requests per minute with a maximum of 1024x1024 pixels
Operations is contracted until March 13th 2025.
The following datasets are used to generate EOX::Maps. Note that most of these datasets are Open Data. The layers for which the dataset is used are indicated in brackets.
- Sentinel-2 provided by the European Commission (free, full and open access) [Sentinel-2 cloudless 2016 & 2018]
- OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors [Terrain Light, Terrain, OpenStreetMap, Overlay, Coastline, Hydrography, Streets]
- NaturalEarth public domain [Terrain Light, Terrain, Overlay, Hydrography]
- EUDEM © Produced using Copernicus data and information funded by the European Union [Terrain]
- ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA [Terrain Light]
- SRTM © NASA [Terrain]
- GTOPO30 Data available from the U.S. Geological Survey [Terrain Light, Terrain]
- CleanTOPO2 public domain [Terrain]
- GEBCO © GEBCO [Terrain Light]
- GlobCover © ESA [Terrain]
- Sentinel-2 - Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2016, 2017, & 2018 [Sentinel-2 cloudless 2016 & 2018]
- Blue Marble © NASA’s Earth Observatory [Blue Marble]
- Black Marble © NASA’s Earth Observatory [Black Marble]
The rendering is © EOX [Terrain Light, Terrain, Sentinel-2 cloudless, OpenStreetMap, Overlay, Bright overlay, Coastline, Hydrography, Streets] and MapServer [OpenStreetMap, Overlay, Bright overlay].
- 20250314: The service is discontinued and operations will stop.
- 20210212: Added Copernicus DEM accessible via WCS to replace ACE2.
- 20190122: Added Sentinel-2 cloudless 2018, hydrography, and streets layers.
- 20171205: Added Sentinel-2 cloudless 2016 and Coastline layers.
- 20171201: Migrated to improved hardware and adjusted SLA. Removed Shibboleth configuration.
- 20170609: Added dem.esa.maps.eox.at, deprecating tiles.esa.maps.eox.at/dem.
- 20170425: Added Terrain Light layer.
- 20170419: Migrating certificates to Let's Encrypt.
- 20160614: Updated certificates, valid until 20190530.
- 20150626: Updated certificates to a fully SHA256 chain. Some adjustments to Apache configuration.
- 20140908: Finished Shibboleth configuration.
- 20140901: Added EPSG:3857 projection where missing.
- 20140802: Finished update of OSM layers fixing missing characters problem.
- 20140728: Updated overlay layers to include curved labels and fixing some issues.
- 20140724: Deployed new overlay layers including coastlines, political borders, rives & lakes, and various bug fixes.
- 20140722: Added elevation data.
- 20140627: New SSL/TLS certificate for esa.maps.eox.at, tiles.esa.maps.eox.at, and *.tiles.esa.maps.eox.at.
- 20140527: First release including layers terrain, overlay, overlay_bright, blackmarble, bluemarble version 1.0.0 in EPSG:4326 and osm version 1.0.0 in both EPSG:4326 and EPSG:3857.
Do you have any questions? Do you need more information? Feel free to contact us anytime.
Thurngasse 8/4
1090 Wien